days to July 1, 2024

Unlock Your Data’s Potential:
Safely Backup and Access Insights from Google Universal Analytics Anytime!

Universal Analytics Data Backup Software Chosen by Growing Businesses


Automate Your Backups with Analytics Backup by QA

Easy and hassle-free.
Choose the views you want to keep and it will back up the data for you.

Tailored Views

Backups are performed on a “view” basis in Universal Analytics. It doesn’t matter if you have a lot of views you want to backup. You can purchase a license for as many views as you need.

Easy and Hassle-Free

Once the Google API connection is made, you can start backing up data with a single click.
It automatically generates requests to Google API, retrieves data, and proceeds with the backup process for you.

Data Visualization

Instead of merely presenting raw numbers, this software excels in its capacity to transform data into summarized visual representations.

Your Data, Your Ownership

Whether it’s a rental server or a self-managed one, as long as WordPress is installed, you can store data on any server of your choice.

Two Backup Period Choices

You can choose to back up your data from the date you started measuring with Universal Analytics, or just from Jan. 1, 2020.

Support and Update

Individual email support and automatic software updates will be available to purchasers.

Product Description

Universal Analytics-Like Screen Views

Analytics Backup by QA provides the data visualization for in-depth analysis and enables viewing your backup data through an administration panel similar to Universal Analytics. The administration screen includes menus for Audience, Acquisition, Behavior, and Ecommerce, allowing you to explore various aspects of your data conveniently.

Easy and Hassle-Free

This software uses Google API integration to obtain backups of Univeresal Analytics. Once you have integrated Google API, simply select the views you want to keep backup data for and start. The backup process is completed hassle-free.

CSV Files Download

From the backup data viewing screen, you can download CSV files for in-depth analysis of historical data. You can analyze them using tools like Excel or spreadsheets, or import them into Looker Studio or other BI tools for advanced analysis.

Data Users Management

If you want to backup your client’s Universal Analytics, or if you want to backup a Google account managed by another department, you can create a user who is not an administrator of Analytics Backup by QA, but has view-only permissions.

Seamless Backup Solution

“Analytics Backup by QA” is a WordPress plugin. Simply install WordPress on your preferred server and then install “Analytics Backup by QA.” This allows you to back up and store Universal Analytics data.


Calculating Backup Time and Data Size
for Universal Analytics Backup

Universal Analytics needs to be backed up by then, as the platform will be shut down on 7/1/2024. However, the GoogleAPI has usage limits, so if you have a large amount of data, you may not be able to back it up in time if you do not back it up as soon as possible.

This calculator, based on simulation, can help you estimate the number of days and amount of data you will need to back up.

Please enter information about your data. The terms like “view” or “goal” in the table refer to those specific to Universal Analytics. Input data may be used as reference for product development.

Overall Total
Total Views
Views with e-commerce
Approximate Average
Monthly Pageviews pageviews /per view
Number of Goals goals /per view
Max Pages
(number of pages shown in “All Pages” on highest traffic day)
pages /per view (or enter the largest one)
Length of Page Title characters in most views
Data Retention Years years /per view


Three-Year View License

One-time purchase


Per Universal Analytics View

  • Backup Period:
    from January 1, 2020
  • Included in the package
    • Software
    • License key
    • Set up documentation
    • Email support
    • Automatic updates
  • Valid for one WordPress

Whole-Period View License

One-time purchase


Per Universal Analytics View

  • Backup Period: from the date Universal Analytics measurement began
  • Included in the package
    • Software
    • License key
    • Set up documentation
    • Email support
    • Automatic updates
  • Valid for one WordPress

Backup Server Recommended Environment

1 CPU or more
4GB or more memory
SSD (Solid-State Drive)
PHP version 7.4 or higher
Domain (or subdomain) and SSL required
WordPress installation required (WordPress version 5.9 to 6.2 supported)

Please refer to Preparation Guide and Usage Precautions for more details.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why do I need to backup my Universal Analytics data?

Google Universal Analytics has been replaced by Google Analytics 4, and Google has announced that the entire Universal Analytics platform will be removed on July 1, 2024.

Universal Analytics data is a valuable resource that provides insight into historical business performance and customer behavior. Keeping a backup of this data allows you to perform historical analysis, compare current performance to historical trends, and comply with regulations that require data retention.

Q. Is this software able to get all the data I need?

Please refer to the spreadsheet for the data to be retrieved. In general, Google Universal Analytics (excluding 360) collects data via the API and may have query limitations, preventing it from collecting all data. Determining which data is essential must become crucial and can be a challenging task. However, this software acquires sufficient data for future analysis, based on the insights of Google Universal Analytics experts and its extensive track record.

Q. Can I back up GA4 data with this software?

Unfortunately, Analytics Backup by QA is specifically designed for Google Universal Analytics and cannot be used to back up data from Google Analytics 4 (GA4) properties.

Q. Is this a one-time purchase price? Are there any update fees?

It is a one-time purchase price. All necessary updates will be done automatically at no additional cost. The only ongoing cost is the cost of your backup server.

Q. Can I use a general shared hosting server as a backup server?

Yes, as long as it has sufficient resources and performance to handle the backup effectively, you can use a general shared hosting server as a backup server. Please read Preparation Guide for the requirements of server environment and more details.

Q. My estimation looks like the backup will not be completed by the time the Universal Analytics platform is closed. What should I do?

The calculation results are just a rough estimate. The actual completion date and time may vary due to factors such as varying server environments, data size, and other conditions. In practice, it’s advisable to track the backup progress once the backup is initiated. The software goes back one day from the latest date to retrieve backups. Therefore, even in the unlikely event that a backup is not completed, backups of data closer to the July 2023 date will still be obtained.

Q. Can I try the software?

Sorry, we do not offer a trial service. We do not offer trial service. You can watch the demo video to check the functionality.

Q. What is the process from purchase to installation?

The steps after clicking the “Buy Now” button are broadly as outlined:

  1. Adjust the number of views as needed, and then checkout.
  2. Receive an email containing your license key and service information.
  3. Prepare the backup server.
  4. Set up WordPress.
  5. Get the zip file of “Analytics Backup by QA” from the download page.
  6. Install the software and activate your license.
  7. Perform Google API integration.
  8. Start the backup.

Installation Requirements

Getting Started with Backup

Exploring Your Backup Data

Backup Elements (UA Dimensions & Metrics)
that Analytics Backup by QA retrieves
